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Our Vision


Each week, we look forward to gathering in this beautiful venue to socialize, learn, and play together!  We love having the choice to bring our children to be a part of this community, rather than to homeschool in isolation. We love the social opportunities our children find here, learning and playing in a festive environment, building camaraderie and friendship.


We value not only the relationships our children build here, but also the circle of parents that we feel a sense of belonging to, with whom we share many feelings & visions.


Free­form play is balanced with structured activities in this nonjudgemental, adaptable, emotionally safe environment. While we celebrate our commonality of heart and vision, we also honor the differences in our family arrangements and in our approaches to homeschooling.


We can trust one another to model positive life values to our children as a group, and provide them with meaningful tools for creative pursuits, intellectual learning, and social harmony. Children can organically grow their own activities here, spontaneously collaborating on games and projects that allow them to explore, learn, and make their own choices.


Parents can educate directly to a child's unique learning style, choosing and co-creating the activities that best fit their child's individual needs.  Exploring new classes and topics in a multigenerational environment shows us all that nobody is ever too grown­up to be playful, learn new things, and have fun!

Each week, Putney Area Homeschool Group affirms our choice to homeschool.


What We Value


The Putney Area Homeschool Group holds respect, joy and learning among our highest values, strongly supported by cooperation, curiosity and kindness.  Juliet Cummings founded the group in 2001 with a commitment to have an open, weekly gathering for the homeschooling community based in Putney.  


With all of the possibilities that homeschooling brings into our lives, the diverse values present in this group offers opportunities for parents and children alike to practice the skills required to create community based in trust, freedom, unity and responsibility.  The philosophy of nonviolent communication is practiced by many.


Created by the Putney Area Homeschool Group parents of 2015/2016,

respectfully submitted by Jessica Perkins and Marcella Eversole.


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